Dorothy's Website

Monday, 11 October 2010

Broughty Ferry


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Welcome to my Website!

My name is Dorothy. This site is primarily dedicated to my home town and family. 

I have lived all my life in Broughty Ferry, Dundee's eastern-most suburb in Scotland, United Kingdom. Broughty Ferry is lovely district, a view with which you will no doubt shortly agree. 

In this site you will see photographs of Broughty Ferry as well as Dundee city centre.  But first of all, we shall have a look at some photographs of the Tay Estuary, whose northern bank links the two.  Remember to click on the small picture to get a large one!

View of Dundee and Broughty Ferry from the Air!

Broughty Beach overlooking Fife

Broughty Ferry from Dundee City Quays

Tay bridges

As well as being a born and bred resident of Broughty Ferry, I am also the very proud mother of a daughter and two sons and the grandmother of two grandsons.

On this site, you will see some photographs of my family through the years as well as some recent photographs of my holiday in London at the end of 2005 and since then right up to February 2009.

I do hope that you you will enjoy this site.  Your feedback is important to me.

Come back again soon just in case there are some more updates!


