Wendy's Wedding

Monday, 11 October 2010

Ruby Anniversary
Spring Week
Boxing Day
Wendy's Wedding


Photographs from Wendy and Bryden's Wedding at the Huntingtower Hotel, Perth

A beautiful bride, a delightful service and a splendid reception.  Even the fact that it was less than zero degrees outside and snowing didn't matter one bit!.

Remember to click to enlarge.

Wendy and Bryden

Wendy and Bryden

Wendy and Bryden

Wendy and Bryden

Wendy and Bryden

Wendy and Bryden (with Rachel and Harry)

Wendy and Bryden (with Rachel and Harry)

Wendy and Bryden

Harry and Wendy


With Ann, Joyce and Edith

With Fiona

With Alan, Alison and Irvine

With Pam and Irvine

With Irvine

With Joyce and Edith

With Pam and wee Harry

With Pam

With Rachel

With Wendy and Bryden


With Rachel, Pam and Lucy


Twelve Days of Christmas

Huntingtower Hotel in snow


Irvine with Uncle Harry and Auntie Rachel

Joyce and Edith



Home | Ruby Anniversary | Spring Week | Boxing Day | Wendy's Wedding

This site was last updated Monday, 04 January 2010